Monday, April 25, 2011

Jesus Christ Superstar

Well, I'm listening to the original 1970 brown album JC Superstar.  Sort of a pleasant cleansing, like a relaxing warm bath after a difficult, dirty day.  Sorry, but for me that dirty day included the movie soundtrack of the same title.  Nearly the same music too.  I'll never forgive Andrew Lloyd Webber for that.  I cannot understand when someone, in my opinion, massacres their own work, like the numerous butcheries of "Tommy" perpetrated by The Who.  I have repeatedly attempted (always unsuccessfully) to appreciate the movie version of "JC" and I tried again this morning.  I couldn't get through it.  My friend, Terry, did have some good interviews with cast members, so that made it desirable to listen.  I am not a very supportive fan, I guess.  An artist has to grow and keep changing things.  However, I don't feel obligated to follow.  I generally stick to the works I liked them for in the first place and will expand to other artists as I expand  (or digress as the case may be).  It reminds me of a conversation I once had with a friend concerning Paul McCartney's music.  My friend said that artists must change and grow.   "He can't keep playing 'Band On The Run.'"  "True", I said, "but that's the beauty of recorded music.  I can keep listening to it."  I try to keep an open mind and ear, but I've never latched on to change just for change or for following trends.  I am as likely to put on something old I've never heard as to put on something new.  I've heard Superstar for years and I still like it.  I just had a thought.  Ya know, a new interpretation with maybe Cee-Lo Green and Bruno Mars, now THAT would be interesting.  Over 40 years gone by!  A reinterpretation a few years later is only an inferior copy of the original.  I find it inferior.  The music and lyrics are not as edgy, like they've been censored.  Could it be that I am not the target demographic here.  God forbid!  Just for that I'm going to bed and when I close my eyes everything else (other than what I dream about) will cease to exist.  So there!

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